The Hillsborough County Conservation District offers a wide range of resources available to County residents, environmental professionals, municipalities, schools and community organizations.
We are always looking for new ideas on what we can offer the residents of Hillsborough County. Please contact Kerry Rickrode with thoughts on what type of help you are seeking.

HCCD has a few pieces of farm equipment available to farmers to use through a rental program. Please contact Kerry at 603-732-9194 to arrange the rental.
In order to use the available equipment, a rental agreement and proof of insurance is required.
Great Plains 706 NT-1075 Pull Type No-till Compact Drill
Rate: $50/use + $18/acre
To make arrangements, contact:
Kerry Rickrode, District Manager
Hillsborough County Conservation District
(603) 673-2409
*equipment is stored at Chappell Tractor (454 Rte 13
South, Milford).
*Chappell service staff will assist with hook-up.
Equipment easily tows behind a pick-up truck.
Used for seeding cover crops, hay and pasture mixes
If seeding through an NRCS funded contract, planting windows are:
o Spring: 4/14-5/21
o Early Summer: 5/14-7/1
o Early Fall: 8/7-9/7
No-till Corn Planter with Dawn Biologic ZRX Rollers 4-Row Unit, 30” Rows, Tow Behind
To make arrangements, contact:
Kerry Rickrode, District Manager
Hillsborough County Conservation District
(603) 673-2409
*equipment is stored at Brookdale Fruit Farm, Hollis.
Handheld Soil Penetrometer
Free to use
*equipment is stored at the HCCD office, Milford.
HCCD is always looking for ideas on additional equipment we can add to our inventory. Please contact Kerry with your needs.

Historical aerial photographs from Hillsborough County are available for viewing at the HCCD office. We can make photocopies free of charge. Please contact Kerry via email or call 732-9194 to schedule an appointment.
The following dates are available for viewing: 1952, 1974, 1981

Soil Potential Index (SPI) is a calculation made at the County Conservation District office which rates soil on a scale of 0-100 based on its capability to produce crops. For example, a rating of 10 would indicate a soil poorly suited to growing crops; a rating of 95 would mean top quality soil with virtually no impediment to crop production. The Conservation District uses USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil mapping data to compute SPI for each field, parcel or tract of land. If you are looking to put your land into current use (a minimum of 10 acres) please contact the HCCD Office via email or call 732-9194 to request a complimentary SPI report.

The District works with forestland owners and agricultural producers offering them a variety of natural resource information and programming to meet their conservation goals.
Cooperators with the Hillsborough County Conservation District are individuals (or entities) who have signed a cooperator agreement with the District. The simple, 1-page agreement documents that the individual or organization wants to “cooperate” with District efforts by developing and managing their lands in ways that reflect land and water suitabilities, as well as good management practices.
In providing cooperators with technical assistance, the District coordinates with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). District staff can help cooperators learn about NRCS programs available to them, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) that provides financial assistance to land managers to help them install conservation practices addressing resource concerns.
In addition, if you have a desire to have a conservation plan created for your land or are looking to apply for a NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) wetlands permit, a District Cooperator Form should be completed and sent to the HCCD office.